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Monday, August 31, 2009

Hawaii Ecotube's July EcoHero - Pauline Feine

Pauline Fiene has a degree in biology from St. Olaf College and is especially interested in Hawaiian nudibranchs, two of which have been named for her, Hallaxa paulinae and Hypselodoris paulinae. She has studied Hawaiian marine life for over twenty years, discovering many new species of marine animals and publishing a paper on the annual spawning of Hawaii's most abundant species of coral, the first time spawning had ever been recorded for this species worldwide. She is coauthor of several books including Molokini - Hawaii's Island Marine Sanctuary; and Diving Hawaii and Midway; and with Cory Pittman just launched the Hawaiian nudibranch website Very enthusiastic about sharing what she has learned with interested divers, she takes the time to make sure that they see the details and unique animal behaviors that make diving so interesting.

1 comment:

Mike Roberts said...

Great Choice!

With all of the diving on Maui I have done, I still learn something new every time I go out on Pauline's boat.